Standing For the Authority of the
Commentaries and Books
Browse and purchase books written by Bible teachers from Church of the Brethren and Covenant Brethren Church backgrounds.
About us
Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) is a concern movement among the [Schwarzenau] Brethren, seeking to call the Church to a firm stand for the authority of the Scriptures, and to an emphasis upon the teachings of the New Testament as historically…
Brethren Values; Why Are They Important? (Part 2)
July/August, 2024EditorialVolume 59, Number 4 At the 2023 BRF General Meeting, the focus was on “Brethren Values: What Are They and Why are They Important?” ...
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Brethren Values; Why Are They Important?
EditorialMay/June, 2024Volume 59, Number 3 At the 2023 BRF General Meeting, the focus was on “Brethren Values: What Are They and Why are They Important?” ...
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Remembering Harold S. Martin
EditorialMarch/April, 2024Volume 59, Number 2 Our good Brother Harold S. Martin passed from this life to his eternal reward on January 5, 2024, at the ...
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In Memoriam: Harold S. Martin
August 7, 1930 – January 5, 2024 Ephrata, Pennsylvania Harold S. Martin died, peacefully, Friday, January 5, 2024, at the Lincoln Christian Home, Ephrata. He ...
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“Knowing the Brethren Revival Fellowship is still committed to working for revival within the denomination is encouraging to say the least. I hope it will give pause to some who seem in a hurry to leave.”
“May God continue to bless your efforts to be faithful in preserving Biblical values in our day and age!”
“God bless your work in keeping the Brethren Church alive and on track. I pray you all will not tire as all churches are being attacked and affected by lack of shepherd leadership…I will always remember your faithful service.”
“As another year has passed so quickly, we wish to thank you very much for the great work the BRF is doing in staying true to the Word of God. May God bless this ministry through the coming year.”
“To [those] who have written many good books, going into detail to help others understand the Scriptures more fully! May our Lord Jesus bless you!”
“I too hope the church will take a firm stand for the authority of Scripture in all things. Thank God you are still in the church, working to keep us on the way of life!”
Brethren Bible Institute
Brethren Revival Fellowship offers the annual Brethren Bible Institute, a one-week school intended to provide systematic instruction in the Bible for any person 16 years of age or older.
Date: July 24-28, 2023
Duration: 1 week