Brethren Mission Fund
“With the salvation of souls around the world as its chief aim, the Brethren Mission Fund provides a channel through the Brethren Revival Fellowship to help resource sound Brethren mission work or Brethren workers wherever the gospel of Jesus Christ is being presented.”
BMF News
Christina Lehigh
Serving with Proclaim Aviation Ministry. Christina is currently on loan as an aircraft maintenance instructor at the School of Mission Aviation Technology (SMAT)
- Airframe and Powerplant Technician, 2020.
- Private Pilot, 2020.
- Commercial Pilot with Instrument Rating.
- Airplane Single Engine Land, 2021.
The Last Sheaf BME
The Last Sheaf Building Materials Exchange provides exposure and connection with the community of Lisbon while offering a variety of new, used, and salvaged building materials, tools, and supplies at greatly reduced prices.
Why "The Last Sheaf?"
When you reap your harvest in your field, and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.
Deuteronomy 24:19 (NKJV)
Dwayne and Kim Fahnestock
Serving with I58 Global, a non-profit, para- church organization serving refugees in Greece and Germany.
“Through daily tasks including housing allocation, education, and social care, we have the opportunity to work with refugees to provide basic relief, build relationships, respect their humanity, and offer hope for a new start.” (
Venezuela CoB Annual Conference
The Church of the Brethren in Venezuela planned their 3rd Annual Conference, from March 13-18, 2024 in the city of Cucuta, Columbia. The conference was to include classes on leadership training and Brethren identity and was the culmination of a Pastor and Theological Training event. They anticipated about 130 leaders to attend. Speakers included Bob Kettering and Eric Miller. The cost of the event was about $20,000 and they made formal requests for financial assistance to the BMF, Brethren World Mission group and the CoB Global Mission group. After some discussion, the BMF committee agreed to contribute $6,000 toward the event.
Pat and Karen Myers
The Brethren Mission Fund has been supporting Pat and Karen Myers since February 1999. Pat and Karen are now members of the New Fairview Church in York, PA. They served for 18 1/2 years at the Missionary Training College in New Zealand where they served through World Evangelization for Christ (WEC). However, they are now serving a three year term in the Philippines where they are setting up a mission training school, similar to what they had in New Zealand. They are serving through International Mission Mobilisation (IMM), whose parent organization is World Evangelization for Christ (WEC). The BMF committee has decided to keep their level of support at $9,000 for the coming year.

Carissa Myers
Carrisa Myers is a member of Trinity Brethren Fellowship, Waynesboro, PA, and daughter of Shawn and Teressa Myers. Carrisa is participating in a short-term mission trip to Kenya, Africa from June 3 – July3, 2024 with Love Africa Mission organization. She is working with children at orphanages, helping with Bible School and assisting with widows in the community. The committee reviewed the request and agreed to contribute a one-time gift of $600 toward this work.

- That the Church of the Brethren would seek to obey Christ and fulfill the Great Commission.
- For the missionaries that the Brethren Mission Fund is supporting.
More Prayer Requests
- That the Church of the Brethren would seek to obey Christ and fulfill the Great Commission.
- For the missionaries that the Brethren Mission Fund is supporting.
- That the BMF committee will have wisdom in responding to requests.
- For those people who are serving Christ in areas where there is open opposition to the Gospel. Pray for their safety and effectiveness.
- That there would be coordinated mission efforts during this time of unrest in the CoB.
- That the COVID-19 pandemic would be stopped, that lives would be saved and people would come to Christ.
The Brethren Mission Fund has been in existence for over 25-years. In 1998 the BRF decided that it was necessary to create a fund to help stimulate and support sound mission development in the Church of the Brethren. Originally the fund was limited to Brethren mission work or Brethren mission workers. But in 2019, the scope of the fund was broadened, “To allow for consideration, supporting evangelical-minded people who essentially support the historical values of the Brethren as outlined on the Brethren Card but are not official members of the Church of the Brethren.”
The seed money for the BMF came from an offering that was taken at the BRF General Meeting on September 12, 1998, where $4,266 was raised. Since then, an additional $2,435,241 has been contributed to the fund (as of the fall of 2023). About 2/3 of that came from churches, and about 1/3 from individuals.
Over the past 25-years, $2,055,455 has been distributed from the fund (as of the fall of 2023) to support missionaries and mission projects on (5) continents and in (40) countries. About 50% of the monies have gone to support (48) long-term missionaries (those serving 2+ years). About 30% has gone to support Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry programs. The balance has gone to support projects, short-term mission trips and work camps.