Life is replete with choices–choices about friends, about dating and marriage, about educational pursuits, about a vocation, about where to live, about when to begin a family, about the number of children to have, about where to attend church, about how active to be in the life of the congregation, about which car to buy, about where to spend vacation, about health issues, about diet and exercise. And the list goes on. But the ultimate choice is one that has eternal consequences.
Long ago in a faraway land, there was a very wise old man. For anyone who asked him questions, he always seemed to have just the right answers. One day some young men got their heads together and thought they could stump the wise old sage. They came up with a plan. One of the young men approached the wise man with a bird in his hand. He queried the old man, “Is the bird in my hand dead or alive?” If the sage would have said “Dead!“, the young fellow would have left the bird fly. And if he would have said, “Alive!“, he would have crushed the bird to death. The wise old man thought a moment and then replied, “Young man, the answer is in your hand!”
And for all of us, the ultimate choice of where we will spend eternity is within our hands. It’s a personal choice, in that each soul needs to choose for himself or herself what the destiny will be–either Heaven or hell.
I remember talking with an elderly woman who had never committed her heart and life to Jesus Christ. “Well,” she said, “my parents never made decisions for the Lord, nor will I. I’m just going to take my chances, and I think I’II be okay!” I quickly reminded the woman of Jesus’ words to Nicodemus: “Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him” (John 3:18/“The Message”) .
So have you made life’s most important choice? I’m not talking about “joining the church,” as important as that is. I’m speaking about accepting eternal life through faith in Christ. If you haven’t made that all-important choice, why not start the journey…today! Remember, your eternal destiny is in your hand!
March/April 1995