There should be no question about the necessity of the rite of baptism. When Jesus sent forth his apostles to teach or disciple all nations, he directed that penitent believers should be baptized “into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). He also declared, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). Speaking as he was moved by the Holy Ghost, Peter told those inquiring after their duty to “repent and be baptized every one of you” (Acts 2:38).
While listening to the preaching of Philip, the eunuch became so impressed that he even requested baptism. He was then told that if he believed he might receive the rite. Having made the confession, we learn that he was baptized (Acts 8:36-38). As fast as the Samaritans believed the preaching of Philip, they were baptized (Acts 8:12). Even Cornelius, a devout man, one who feared God and prayed to God alway, submitted to the rite of New Testament baptism (Acts 10:48). Though a chosen vessel, Saul, who in time became the prince of Gospel preachers, was instructed by Ananias to be baptized (Acts 22:16).
In fact, in the time of the apostles no one ever dreamed of accepting Christ as his Savior without submitting to baptism. Jesus, the Head of the church, had set the example by receiving baptism at the hands of John, his forerunner (Matthew 3:13-16). The apostles also were baptized, and every man, engaged in preaching the Gospel, seems to have had something to say about baptism. The necessity of the rite was unchallenged, and wherever Christianity was introduced, Christian baptism became a recognized necessity.
— J. H. Moore,
The New Testament Doctrines,
Brethren Publishing House,
Elgin, Illinois. 1914.
See also New Testament Baptism.